OLL Elementary School Communication
ELA Module Assessments
The Module 5 Assessment is required to be administered and all data must be reported in myProgress. The optional writing prompt from the module assessment has been replaced with the required Performance Task Writing Prompt. The 12 point scoring rubric that is linked on the ELN under each Performance Task Writing Prompt will be used to score student responses and report data in myProgress. The 12 point rubric has been chosen to keep the scoring total consistent within grade levels. However, it is acceptable to score responses a second time using the FSA Writing Rubrics or HMH Performance Task rubric.
Please be sure to use this Module 5 Administration Guideline document to obtain the final assessment materials. This guideline will include any test question modifications and the removal of matching questions. Please be sure your teachers are using these final assessment versions and refraining from printing assessments until the test printing window opens.
Grades 1-5:
- Available for printing in myProgress: Monday, November 15th
- Suggested Administration Testing Window: Wednesday, November 17th through Friday, December 3rd
- All results for completed tests must be finalized in myProgress by: End of Day, December 10, 2021
Grade K:
- There is not an updated testing window as teachers and students should still be working through their Module 4 content.
PBIS Office Hours and Drop In Support
Nov. 16th we are offering our first “PBIS Drop-In Session”. This hour will be dedicated to answering questions from your school! This ranges anywhere from new Point of Contact Inquires, to questions on your Mid-Year PBIS Implementation Checklist! As a reminder, the FLBIS Mid-Year Implementation Check List is due on 12/1/21.
We are here to serve YOU! Join through Zoom! If you cannot attend but would like to please contact Susanna G. Haberle at shaberle@pasco.k12.fl.us and Lesley Wilson at lrwilson@pasco.k12.fl.us and they will set up time specifically for you!
High School- 7:30- 8:30 Join through Zoom!
Mid School- 9:00-10:00 Join through Zoom!
Elem School- 10:15-11:15 Join through Zoom!
Promotion to Fourth Grade Guidance
It is important to keep all stakeholders informed and up to date on changes made to the portfolio process as we are implementing new curriculum and assessments this year. You can find information outlined in the Promotion to Fourth Grade Guidance document, along with a link to the Promotion to 4th Grade Spreadsheet for your team to begin to monitor all 3rd grade students throughout the year.
On the ELN for Grade 3, Module 4, Monitoring Progress/Evaluating Learning teachers will find this message:
As a third-grade teacher, it is vital that you collect evidence of learning throughout the year for good cause portfolio documentation (module assessments, DIBELS ORF, NWEA MAP, curriculum-based assessments, FDOE passages, etc.) (Promotion to 4th Grade Spreadsheet) should be filled out, including each student and updated throughout the year. Remember to send home the Third Grade Quarter 1 Parent Letter (English)_(Spanish.) with each student.
Additional guidance and support will be provided throughout the year. Please reach out to Courtney Lough if you have any questions or need any support.
Reading Endorsement: Please share
To support teachers seeking their reading endorsement via the K-12 Reading Test (035), OLL has created a test prep course to build some essential information to help them prepare for the test. The course can be accessed by registering for section 30847. Registering or this section will automatically grant them access to the course in myLearning. Should they have any questions, they can contact Danielle Varcardipone.
Zearn as Homework Option
For those schools that require homework, have your teachers ever sent a student home to do their math homework, thinking they understood the lesson only to find when they came back – all of the work was done incorrectly. Just one misconception can cause a student to practice homework incorrectly making for bad habits. How about offering Zearn as a homework option? This would be great for any student but especially students needing tier 2 supports. Watch this 5 minute video to hear about all the many benefits of a double dose of the lesson with timely feedback on practice: Independent digital lessons.
Keep in mind that there should be a paper/pencil option for those that do not have access to devices or the internet.
Coaching Calendar and Upcoming Events
Here is a one-stop shop for all of Pasco County’s Coaching Events and Support Structures. Coaching Power Hour is coming up on November 18th, and the Early Release Train-the-Trainer will be embedded in the ELA content monthly coaching session on November 30th.
Coaching Pool Interviews
Coaching Pool Interviews |
The windows for staff interested in applying for the LD, ITC Literacy or ITC Math candidate lists in the 2021-2022 school year are as follows:
*The interview process is conducted during evening hours from 5-7 virtually in the first semester. The second semester will be evening hour 5-7 in Building 2 of the District Complex. |
We currently have a number of open instructional coaching positions and are looking to systematically add highly qualified coaching candidates to our pools for Learning Design Coaches and Instructional Trainer Coaches. If you have teacher leaders or folks who are looking to apply for coaching positions, please communicate our Coaching Pool Interview plan and dates.
Exciting Opportunity with the University of Tampa
Are you interested in becoming a school leader in the future, but already have a master’s degree in something else? Well….we have an amazing opportunity for you!
Pasco County Schools in partnership with The University of Tampa’s Department of Education is hosting a virtual information session about the process for earning your Level 1 Educational Leadership Certificate.
This session will cover:
- How to seek certificate approval.
- How to start your UT application and what documents are needed.
- Next steps after you are admitted. Tuesday, Nov. 16, at 5 p.m. Educational Leadership Certification Virtual Information Session
Click on the flier to RSVP and learn additional details!
For more information, please contact Vaughnette Chandler at vchandle@pasco.k12.fl.us