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OLL Elementary School Communication

Using Module Assessments to Plan

The links for the Module Assessments have been removed on the Elementary Learning Network due to assessment updates completed by HMH. While modifications have been made on their behalf, there is still some work to be completed to ensure the test items are accessible in myProgress and test verbiage is in tight correlation with the ELA B.E.S.T. Standards. This work is in progress, and will be available in the near future. To support schools with planning with the module assessments in mind, the module assessments on the HMH platform may be used as a guide to review the type of questions asked and the standards that will be assessed. These assessments are NOT final and should only be used for planning purposes. The finalized module assessments, with any necessary modifications, will be  released by ARM and OLL and made available in myProgress by the print release date listed here. To access the module assessments on the HMH platform, please use these directions.  

SEL and Compassionate Schools Update VLPT (Very Large Project Team)

The Office of Leading and Learning Interventions Team is re-starting our VLPT (Very Large Project Team) to get feedback, practice, and develop new strategies to support SEL standards and benchmarks in schools. We want to help create compassionate schools across our district and the VLPT will utilize various stakeholders in the process. 

We have invited previous members but know there have been many changes on campus since our last meeting a year ago. If you would like to recommend a staff member to this team, please fill out this form. Members will meet in the evening through zoom and will receive a paid stipend for their collaboration on this team. 

Any questions, please reach out to Deedra Mitchell, program coordinator of SEL/Compassionate Schools at or 4-2791. 

Learning Network Feedback Requested

Our content area specialists are gearing up to create the 22-23 Elementary Learning Network. In order to ensure the design reflects what is most important and useful, we are soliciting your feedback. Please complete this survey to share your opinion on what needs to remain in place and/or be added/removed. We will use your feedback to ensure the ELN is reflective of your needs.

Thank you for your time and attention to providing feedback!

Administrator Input: Possible Instructional Coaching Contract Extension

In collaboration with the District Coaching Leadership Team (comprised of district staff from each department, school-based administrators, and school-based coaches from each level), the Superintendent Staff and all of the folks that support instructional coaching, we are exploring the possibility of increasing the instructional coaching contract for our coaching staff.

The Why: We would love to offer a very competitive contract that will allow Pasco County to recruit and retain high quality instructional coaches. We want to offer a contract that is competitive with surrounding counties, improves the fill rate of our open coaching positions, and allows our staff to participate in professional learning, further impact student outcomes, and have the time to work collaboratively with school leadership teams to set and achieve goals for our student and staff.

The What: Currently our instructional coaches have a 196-day contract length. An increase to the length of the contract would provide our coaches with a higher salary (thus impacting retirement as well). It is possible that coaches may be offered additional days prior to the return of teachers at the beginning of the school year and time at the end of the school year for planning, reflection, and professional learning.

Input before Action: It is important in any large-scale change effort to gather input and hear the voice of the stakeholders prior to making decisions. We have collected input from the Superintendent Staff. They asked us to explore this option, the logistics, and gather input from you. We had 93% of the coaching leadership team indicate that we should investigate a contract extension. Now is the critical time in which we need your voice. Please take time to offer your input. We will partner with essential district departments, collaborate with the union, and will come up with a great option that will meet our goals of recruiting, retaining, and leveling-up our instructional coaches.

Your Voice Counts: Please offer your input here.

PMP Monthly Progress Letters

PMP Monthly Progress Letters will be posted in the Letter Queue area in myStudent the morning of January 31st for review and will then be reposted on February 3rd. This will allow for you to send them at the same time as Quarter 3 Progress Reports on February 4th.

You can find the directions for printing the letters on pages 4-5 of the   Academic Monitoring in myStudent.docx.

New Teacher On-Boarding/Compassionate Classroom Mid-Year Hire: Saturday, February 5th

Please share with new teachers that did not attend the kickoff on Monday, July 26th or make-up session on September 18th. Use this spreadsheet to see who attended from your school.

We are excited to announce that we will be hosting the mid-year hire new teacher on-boarding session in person at the District Office in Building 2, Oak room from 8:30am-4:00pm. We will cater lunch for you to enjoy while having a moment to connect with our certification team. They will be available to answer all of your questions. Since this training is on a Saturday we will be paying you $25 an hour for learning with us. 

This course is required for all new hires to Pasco whether you are coming in with experience or not. In the morning, we will review information about the Pasco Way of Work as well as our systems, platforms, evaluation systems, and orient all new hires to Pasco County Schools. In the afternoon, we will begin our journey with building a compassionate classroom.  We will engage in an activity to understand the six pillars of a developmental relationship and the importance of building trusting relationships with their students. We will emphasize that setting clear expectations, rules, and procedures is essential to maximize learning. All new teachers will begin to build out their classroom success plan for the year including these elements and much more.

Please register in myPGS:

Course #4107

Section #29935

We will send communication and directions prior to the session. We are looking forward to meeting you!

If you have any questions, please email Charlotte Kralik.

Gifted Workshop

We are excited to announce that we will be holding a Gifted Workshop for all teachers who currently serve or are interested in serving our gifted population.  The workshop will be designed to build capacity in your buildings on topics related to enrichment, gifted SEL, and compliance.  It will begin with a short kick-off event on February 10th from 6 – 6:30 pm.  From there, participants will embark on their football-inspired journey to earn the title of MVGP (Most Valuable Gifted Player).  

Participants may register for the course through MyPGS.  All “game play” will be completed through the MyLearning platform.  At the end of the season (February 28th), participants will be entered into drawings for a variety of prizes including a guaranteed 2 PD points for work completion.  Encourage all interested participants to register today (see flyer).  NFL football may be ending on February 19th, but The Gifted Bowl will only just be beginning.   

Please direct any questions to your Gifted Resource Teacher. 

PBIS Model Schools and PBIS Walkthroughs

3rd Qtr. Communication has gone out to all PBIS Points of Contacts through the PBIS Canvas Course (38944).

Pasco PBIS Walkthroughs are approaching! If your school is planning on applying for PBIS model school for this year, please be sure to send Susanna G. Haberle  an email in efforts to schedule your walk through. Click here for PBIS Model School Requirements. Note: Considering our districts calendar year, PBIS walkthroughs cannot be scheduled any later than May 15th, 2022.

Coaching Calendar and Upcoming Events

Here is a one-stop shop for all of Pasco County’s Coaching Events and Support Structures.

January Highlighted Event

Pasco County’s Instructional Coaching Conference – January 25th 8-4pm (required for all coaches).  This session will contain a train-the-trainer session for Early Release Day.  Any admin or coach that joins in these events is invited to the conference and our session.

Sign-up Here! Each participant will need to pre-register for the coaching conference prior to the start. This will allow you a chance to check out the speakers, the sessions, and select your schedule for the event.

Coaching Pool Interviews

Coaching Pool Interviews

The windows for staff interested in applying for the LD, ITC Literacy or ITC Math candidate lists in the 2021-2022 school year are as follows:

February 2022 Ad:  Feb. 14-24, Interviews: March 9 &10
June 2022 Ad:  June 4-14, Interviews:  27-29

*The interview process is conducted during evening hours from 5-7 virtually in the first semester.  The second semester will be evening hour 5-7 in Building 2 of the District Complex.


We currently have a number of open instructional coaching positions and are looking to systematically add highly qualified coaching candidates to our pools for Learning Design Coaches and Instructional Trainer Coaches.  If you have teacher leaders or folks who are looking to apply for coaching positions, please communicate our Coaching Pool Interview plan and dates.  Thank you.

Trail Blazer Cohort:  Winter 2022

Coaches and teachers team up in our fourth Trail Blazer Cohort!

Create learning environments in which all students are engaged, challenged, feel safe to take risks, and are supported to learn

Demonstrate expertise in content knowledge as well as pedagogical techniques

Share knowledge and new learning with colleagues

Exhibit flexibility, responsiveness, and a commitment to continuous learning

Check out  our flyer with the details and dates.

Participants can sign up at this link:

Coaches can sign up for 1:1 connection w/ Craig week of Jan 17-21   Shareable Calendar

Cohort 3 Launch w/ both Teachers and Coaches will be 2/7 virtually 5:30-7:30PM


Assistant Principal Candidate – Application Open

We are excited to announce that the process to become an Approved Assistant Principal Candidate will open soon. Applicants must be approved as candidates in Pasco County Schools to be considered for assistant principal vacancies.

To learn more about our Internal Candidate Selection Process, visit the following link.

The application window will be from MondayJanuary 31, 2022 to Wednesday, February 9, 2022.  All required documentation must be submitted before the job ad closes to be considered during the application window.

Upcoming Preparing New Principals Program (PNPP)

The 2022/2023 Preparing New Principals Program (PNPP) application window will open from 4/4/2022 to 4/15/2022.

You will find the official job ad in Talent Ed beginning April 4th and will need to apply there.  In addition, you will find the entire application process on our Leadership Development website.  All of the application information will be made available on this site beginning April 7th.  You will need to review the application information prior to applying via Talent Ed, as there are additional application tasks that you will need to complete.

What are the required qualifications?
An internal candidate must demonstrate at least three years of successful experience as an assistant principal (and currently be in this role), hold Educational Leadership on their Florida certificate and complete the PNPP application process (can be found on our Leadership Development website beginning 4/4/2022). A candidate who applies and is accepted to this program will become eligible to apply for principal positions (unless otherwise determined by superintendent staff) upon entry into the program. Successful completion of the yearlong PNPP program will complete the principal certification process. 

PNPP Information Session

An ”Am I Ready for PNPP” information session will be held on Thursday, March 10, 2022 from 5:00-6:00.  During this virtual session, we will review the program qualifications and engage you in a self-assessment process to determine readiness.  Please RVSP below if you plan to attend.  The Zoom link will be sent directly to you as we get closer to March 10th.

Information Session RSVP

Teacher Newsletters

February 2022!

